Wednesday, December 2, 2009

HW: Louisiana Purchase

What were the positive and negative effects of the Louisiana Purchase? (Write 3-4 sentences and back up your argument with details)


  1. There was many positive and negative effects of the purchase. some examples of the pros of the purchase, is now with more land, the us population is able to expand and increase. Also, now with the purchase, the us is available to new recources and animals, as well as the lousiana port in the gulf of mexico. some cons of the purchase was the fact that now the us has doubled, the Us government has double the territory to protect and eventually double the people. also, despite that more land= more power, more land also = more money to upkeep the land and population as well as increase the military to keep up with the double sized country.

  2. the positive effects of the louisiana purchase were... the fact that it doubled the size of the country over night without the loss of a single life. also national security because the french could have used the ports of new orleans in a war effort. the negatives were that there was much uncharted land that needed to be documented also that jefferson was a republican and he had just increased the size of the federal government.

  3. There were many positive and negative effects of the Louisiana Purchase. The positive effects were they were able to gain more recources, and expand Westward. Jefferson was able to buy the Louisiana land for 5 cents an acre. The negative effects were that sinse they doubled the land, they doubled their salary to keep uphold the land.

  4. Some positive effects of the lousiana purchase for example are the expansion of the US border to double the size of the country. As well as finding new resources that the people can use. with this purchase came the expansion of the excutive branch of US government. Around the time when this purchase was made there was nothing writen in the US constitution about the persident being able to buy land. so Thomas Jefferson saw this as a oprotuntity to expand the power of the persident. Due to this purchase the united states now became harder to attack because now there was more land for the ammericans to fall back on, to gather forces and come up with a battle plan. Some negatives of the lousiana purchase include the forced mirgaration of the indian peoples out of their lands byt the american citzens who moved west. As the american public moved into these new lands they needed to make room for their houses and farms and towns so the forced the natives peoples out.

  5. the positive effects of the louisiana purchase include doubling the size of the U.S., more rersources and the U.S. now had ownership over the mississippi river. This expansion also made more room for an increasing population. One of the negative effects of expansion was we were pushing other people off of there land.

  6. There were many positive effects of the Louisiana purchase. It gave us more land to explore and we had more land for resources. Also jefferson bought it for very inexpensive. A negative effect of the Louisiana purchase it was hard to keep up the new land

  7. The postive effects of the Louisiana Purchase was more land and more resources. Also more land gains more power. Jefferson got more power with the new land. A negative effect was the people in that area was forced to move somewhere else.

  8. The Louisiana Purchase had many positive and negative effects. The positive effects were with purchase of more land had doubled our land area and provided us with many valuable natural resoures. The negative effects were the forced migration of native americans.

  9. There were many positive and negative effects of the Louisiana Purchase. A couple positive effects were that it doubled U.S. land which led to more resources.It also gave more room for people to live. The negative effects are it cost money to uphold the land and it also made people in that area move west.

  10. Positives of the Louisiana Purchase were that it helped the u.S expand in size and gain more national resources. It provided more security for the country as well. negatives were that it pushed the natives off their land and the loss of money.

  11. The positive and negative effects of the Louisiana Purchase were that It affected our money and land, It affected the people, doubled the size of the United States, and caused people to lose rights.

  12. Some of the positive effects of the Louisiana Purchase were that it doubled the land of the United States which created a more powerful nation, obtained more natural resources (such as plants and animals), and we gained control over New Orleans which was a major benefactor when it came to trade. Some negative effects of the Louisiana Purchase was that our country lost millions of dollars and it forced the Native Americans to migrate to different land.

  13. The positive effects of the Louisiana Purchase was that it doubled the size of our land. This created a more powerful nation with more resources. The negative effects of it was that it affected our money and rights of people.

  14. there were both positive and negative effects, that came from the Louisiana purchase. the positive effects were that we more than doubled our land terrtory and made out nation strong and more powerful. we also obtain the mississippi river and more land for people to spread out. Some negative effects were that, the people(Native Americans) already living on the land, were moved/pushed out of their homes.

  15. they were both positive and negative effects from the Louisiana Purchase. It helped in the expansion of the U.S. also among many other things. Positive-more purchase of land...Negative-the doubled their salary.

  16. their where bolth possitve and negotive effect of the Louisiana Purchase. one possitve effect is that it made the nation more powerfull and was able to expand. a negative effect is that citizens where forced to move.

  17. the louisiana purchase was a positive effect more than a negative effect. positive effects include more land, coastlines (which mean ports), and natral resources. some other positive effects are more people, power, and money. negative effects are destroying native american lands, and losing some of the explorers.

  18. This was a great thing for America it doubled the size the U.S. and for only a million dollars which even at that time wasn't a lot for what they got even at that time. Also there was no war therefor no lives were lost to get this land. Some of the negatives of this event is that we forced the native americans there and many of them died on the way there (trail of tears)

  19. A positive effect of the Louisiana Purchase was it doubled the United Stated, gave us more recourses, more room for people to move to so the population would grow. A negative effect was that we forced the native people off their land and wasn't very nice about it.

  20. The Louisiana purchase was huge step in the united states because it more then doubled its sized. With all that extra land more land could be harvested for production in society and more land for people to live off of. At the same time it would cost the U.S. of A lot of cash to maintain such a large amount of land now. At least it didn't cost them a vast amount to purchase it in the first place. So there was definitely equal positive and negative effects of this

  21. Positive effects of the Louisiana Purchase were that it gave the U.S. more land. By having more land we gained more power and there was more land to explore. With the new land came new resources. Negative effects were that since we had more land we had to pay a lot more money. We also caused the Native Americans to have to find new land to settle on.

  22. Pros:
    For the amount paid, the land that was provided was double the land of the US, and also concluding this agreement, it was a relevant and accepted reason for the French to step out of the social hemisphere of the growing United States. There was an early inspiration also, for Manifest Destiny when the Louisiana Purchase was made legitimate and the transactions had all been fulfilled.

    Native Americans had to resettle and filter out of the purchased property, and due to the reasons of huge land, the substantial payments in money were increased dramatically as well, a simple reason of more quantity more expense.

  23. There were so many posotive and negative effects of the lousiana purchase. For example, gaining more land it nearly doubled the size of the United States. With this extra land came new resources and the population would soon increase. More animals and more products were gained by this land increase as well. With the new land also came more power. Unfortunately, it resulted in more land to protect as well. Which means that more people needed protection and bigger and stronger military was a necessity. A lot more money would have to go into to maintaining this land and serving to the desires of the people.

  24. the positive effects of the louisiana purchase were the addition of more land increased the size of the united states and gave us more resources. the negative effects were that the louisiana purchase forced native americans to migrate.

  25. The louisiana purchase had both negative and positive effects.Some positive effects were that it doubled the size of the U.S and addition to that it gave the U.S control to vital port btwn New Orleans and the Mississippi River which gave people a chance to ship their products to markets.Negative effects were that Native Americans were forced out of the purchased land and the more land meant that the more money was needed for it.

  26. A positive effect of the Louisiana Purchase is that it doubled the size of the United States. Also, because of the Louisiana Purchase, the amount of natural resources increased. Unfortunately, though, a negative effect of the Louisiana Purchase is that Native Americans were forced off their lands and were put into reservations. In addition, Americans would have to spend more money in order to keep the new lands in good condition. Also, people were beginning to be denied rights once again – especially in farming areas in which cash crops were easily grown. Furthermore, slavery became more prevalent.

  27. there are many positive effects of the louisiana purchase. For one it gave the U.S more land. It nearly doubled the size of the U.S. With the expansion more people came to america and there was a bigger population. One negative effect is there was an increase in slavery because there were more lands to farm.

  28. Some positive effects of the louisiana purchas was that it practically doubled the size of America. it gave us a lot more land for people to move west and settle on. It allowed the U.S. to increase in population. The negative effect of the Louisiana Purchase is that there would be more expenses because more land equals more money and the Native Americans were pushed out of their land.

  29. Positives : The U.S gained a lot of land for only 15 million. More living space, resources, and increase in population. Took big steps toward getting the french out.
    Negatives: People wanted to impeach Jerfferson because he put the U.S in debt. Increase in population results in more money being spent for clothing, food, and health care. Native Americans had to find new land even though they were settled there first.

  30. Obviously, the concept of "Doubled United states" is considered a positive effect of the Louisiana purchase, but lets look at the big picture here... Above, almost every statement made by fellow students believe that the concept
    of the United states doubling in size is a positive effect, when in fact, i shall prove them wrong and turn this into a negative effect of such great aptitude, that my statements will be proven almost unarguably correct. With the expansion of the United States, came the price of 15 million. At the time, the united states couldn't come close to closing that
    type of deal. A deal was made between Britain and the united states for borrowed money, with a payback interest of roughly six percent. But look on the bright side, we get more land... As the united states explored the western side,
    we met new groups of indigenous people. We mistreated, lied, threatened, moved, and murdered them, all for the sake
    of a false concept that we believed in known as "Manifest Destiny", when in reality, this was all based on greed that was spawned the second we even considered this purchase of land. an even more depressing negative effect was
    growth of slavery. with more land to be farmed on and used, slaves became one of the the many factors in regular society of that time period. Already, we see the roots of the infant stages of "Civil War".

    Lets look at the positive side now shall we?
    - New Resources
    - Idea of more "Living space"
    - New trade routes
    - New Ports

  31. RE: Finch
    Your statement is undeniably wrong. I completely DISAGREE. You're way of thinking is as follows
    "We get more land which is good"
    "Forced migration is bad though."

    It is PRECISELY the accumulation of land that we received that cause the forced migration, therefore your statement is null and contradicting. Not only did you make your own statement a statement that is completely useless, but also slandered the name of Native Americans. They are not called "Indian peoples" they are Native Americans. You also completely disregarded the concept of "fall back on". with the purchase of even more land, the united states is considered an extremely big target, there is no room to "fall back on" (as you say) when your own country can be attacked from anywhere.

  32. The purchase of the loisiana teritorry came with both positive and negative effects. One of the positive effects of the Louisiana Purchase was that it doubled the size of the United States. It also gave the the United states contol over the Mississippi River, which contributed to a lot of trade. The United States wanted to expand because of manifest destiny, which was the idea that we had the god given right to expand west. With this idea it resulted as one of the negative effects of this westward expanstion. The negative effect was that it took the land away from the Native Americans that lived on the land. this forced them to move out of the land.

  33. Background: The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 stands as the most significant event in the westward expansion of the United States and as an experiment to incorporate a substantially different culture. It was the beginning of the meeting of multi-cultural frontiers. The Louisiana Purchase changed what the United States had been and had a profound effect on what the United States would become.

    Positives: Some of the positive effects of the Louisiana Purchase was that it doubled the size of the United States, which gave the the United states control over the Mississippi River = trade. It also gave us new resources,ports, and new trade routes because of trade. LP also caused a lot of living space with led to diversity spreading in significant areas.

    Negatives: The increase in population also resulted in more money being spent for clothing, food, and health care. Since the land was taken away from the Native Americans, which was terribly wrong, caused them to move else where to find new land even though they settled there first. Also more land meant more land to upkeep, which caused the idea of slavery, in where it increased because of a lot of farming and agriculture. :D

  34. There was many positive and negative effects of the purchase. many examples of the purchase, is now we had more land and with that, the US population is able to expand. Also, the US is available to new recources and animals for domestication,with the lousiana port in the gulf of mexico. some cons were the fact that now that the US has doubled, the US government had to protect and provide for more land and people. Despite that more land means having more power, more land also means needing more money for the population and as well as increase the military to keep up with the new size of our beautiful country. :)<3

  35. The positive effects of the u.s buying the louisana purchase was number one that it doubled its size which helped make them more powerful. they also got the mississippi river which means more ports for trade. another positive for the u.s is there going to get more recources and more room for a growing population. some of the negatives include the fact they kicked the native americans out of their own land, and forced them further west. another negative is they lost a lot of money for the land and they might have upset the british for making a deal with the french.

  36. A positive effect of the Louisiana Purchase would be a population increase, which would cause culture diffusion because as the country grows, more people from different counries will come to the US. The Louisiana Purchase also increased the power of America. The negative effect was that it pushed the Native Americans out of there homeland and it would cost more money to take care of the people moving into the Louisiana Purchase.

  37. There were both postive and negative effects because of the Louisiana Purchase. A postive effect was that it nearly doubled the size of the United States. It gave new resources, land, and opportunity to people moving there. But because new people were moving in, it pushed out the people that were already living there.

  38. The postive effects of the louisiana purchase was more land for the US to grow and expand also settle in the west, gain more states. Also new resources.Negative effects, to the native americans it pushed them out and started wars and killed thousands of indians and settlers

  39. In the Louisiana Purchase their were many effects. This gave us the power to explore more on lands and we had more land for natural resources which helped us at the end. It also gave us new trade routes. It also doubled the size of the United States. A big negative was the forced migration to the people of the lands which made the natives get kicked out without a say because of the new land people started comming in and pushing the people out. This was a big problem to the natives because they had no where to go.

  40. Some positive effect of the Louisiana Purchase were that the United States land capacity grew and there was a population increase. There were many more resources used because of the huge amount of land. Some negitive affects were attacks by the native americans in the region. This expanding created problems for the settlers and small wars between colonists and Native Americans.

  41. a positive effect of the Louisiana purchase is that it doubled the land of the United States and gave them a lot more resources and since there was no war there was no lives lost. a negative effect is that since there is now a lot more land they needs more money to uphold the land. they also need to have a stronger government, better military to protect the new land.

  42. one positive affect of the louisiana purchase was that it made the united states grow and expand causing a great population increase. it also gave them more resources because since there was so much land it made it easier. one negative affect was that since they were exoanding there was more figthing between smaller issues and a lot of them.


  43. There are many positive and negitive affects of the newly obtained Louisiana purchase. The main positive affect is gaining 33% more land to add to the country and that much closer to manifest destiny. Probably the worst negitive affect is the cost and that we bought the land from the french while we were having a hard time with them.

  44. There was many positive and negative effects of the purchase. some examples of the pros of the purchase, is now with more land, the us population is able to expand and increase. Now with the purchase, the us is available to new recources , as well as the lousiana port in the gulf of mexico. Also Native Americans attacked on the land so that is a negative effect

  45. The Louisiana Purchase had many positive and negative effects. The purchase helped support the idea of expansion. The people of America wanted to move west, also known as manifest destiny. The Louisiana Purchase also was a profit to the young country because it opened it to port New Orleans. Negative effects of the Purchase was that this new idea of manifest destiny interfered with the native americans that were currently on the land. Another negative effect is that the purchase was done when there were tensions between Great Britain and France.

  46. The Lousisianna Purchase had both negative and postitive effects. The positive effects was that it doubled the space of the U.S , which gave it more power. Another positive effect was that it included the Mississipi River and the Port of New Orleans which improved trade in the country. Negative effects were that the US now had more space to protect and to get people to move and start new lives there. There was also more conflicts with the Native Americans which lived on this land

  47. There were both positives and negtives with the Louisiana Purchase. Some positives were that we were ale to gain more land. Also it kept us in a diplomatic relation with the French. It also gave us the port of New Orleans, and complete access to the Mississippi River. Some negatives were that we kicked the Native Americans off their land which started many conflicts.

  48. The Louisiana Purchase had many positive and negative effects. The main positive and what the Louisiana Purchase is most well known for was that it doubled the size of the United States. Another positive is that by purchasing this, Jefferson created a precedent like thing that the presidents after him followed, by purchasing more land and expanding the U.S. further. One negative of the Louisiana Purchase was that the U.S. just moved in and kicked the native americans out, leaving them with nowhere to go.

  49. Personally there were only positives to the Louisiana Purchase because it benefited the United states in every single way. More land, Money, goods, trade. Although there could be the conflict of the French and British pressures. Napoleon eventually needed to sell the western lands to pay for the war costs. This impacted the french and the United States.

  50. The positive effects of the Louisiana purchase consisted of expanding our nation to almost double our size. This lead to more land which helped in all aspects such as new resources and colonies for America. Also, it helped us compete with larger nations like France & britain. The negative effects were that the area was already inhabited by native Americans and they were forced out. This was sometimes done violently and created a broken relationship with them. Also this upset great Britain because we were making a deal with a rival France.

  51. the positive effects of the louisiana purchase were that the US gained much more land, and therfore, more power. The negative effects were that we caused problems with the native americans because we took their land.
