Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Social Darwinism

Do you agree with the principles of Social Darwinism? Should it always be about the survival of the fittest? Is it fair? Does everyone have the same chances in life to "make it"...think about these questions and write 3-4 sentences backing up your point. For extra credit respond to someone's post.


  1. With Social Darwinism not everyone has a chance to "make it" in life. It is based on survival of the fittest which says that only certain people are capable of success. I think that Social Darwinism is fair because the success goes to the people who work for it the hardest. I don't think that success is always based on survival of the fittest.

  2. I do and do not agree with the principles of Darwinisim becuase in a way we need people that are going to survive and that are willing to to anything possible to survive.I also disagree because it is not a fair chance to everybody.Not everybody is going to have the same amount of equality to make it while others might because of things like resources they might have while others might not have them.

  3. I dont agree and disagree with the principles. In some cases its only fair that the strongest should survive. not everyone should be able to survive. I dont agree because people have different ways of surviving. One person could have a good way to survive while another person may have a weak way to survive

  4. I meant to say i agree and disagree***

  5. Well in the overall picture, its not if you agree or disagree. Darwin is right. Thats how the world is played, for jobs, in the jungles and even in shcool. The people who work hard are the ones who make it because they are the fittest. They made themselves the fittest by making working hard. For example, Rockafeller knew how to be the best and it was to control all the oil refineries. He took advantage of this situation by buying out the Clark brothers. Everyone has a chance to "make it" they just have to know how to make it. Some people choose not to make it by the lack of their effort. It's not fair, but who said life is fair. It's just the way of life. <3 :)

  6. i dont completely agree with the principles of social darwinism. in one situation like getting a jobm a lot of people get to where they are and what jobs they have by "knowing" people which has nothing to do with who is the "fittest" at what the job is. but if the situation does not have anything to do with who you know, then yes i agree with it because the person who is qualified deserves the job over someone who doesnt have much experience. in this case it would be representing "survival of the fittest"

  7. I agree with Social Darwinism if you want to create a perfect civilization. Sparta was ran like this and it was very successful. However, it also is a harsh way to run a society. A poor person could be much smarter and suited for the job than a rich person so Darwin's theory can be proven wrong.

  8. I agree with Social Darwinism it has created the world we live in today. Its the reason that people create things such as medical advances and electric cars. From this people are forced to find their niche where they can be successful and contribute to society. For those that don't find their niche its unfortunate but not everyone can the winner so its vital that some fail for a society to thrive.

  9. Yes, I agree with the principles of Social Darwinism. I do think that it should be survival of the fittest. I feel this way because I feel that one should work to succeed. Being the “survival of the fittest” means that that person is the most capable of blowing out the competition. Since he or she has enough skills to beat the competition in terms of success, it is only logical to conclude that that person has enough skills to beat the competition in business as well. One example of this would be Andrew Carnegie. He had to work his way up, but he was smart enough to find a way to reach that point, even though he came from a not-so-wealthy family. Although not everybody has the same chances of becoming successful, there is always a possibility. It is true that one who comes from an already wealthy family may very well become wealthy themselves, and the one who comes from a poor family may remain poor. Still, there is always a chance to raise one’s potential. Therefore Social Darwinism is fair and the most effective way to get the best people in the business.

  10. Social Darwinism contributes to human evolution by selection. This is a good thing because it makes the world we live in a better place since we have strong and determined people. The idea is all about working hard to get the best without discrimination. I do not pity people who are left behind because they had a chance to move forward unless they had no choices. It is the "fittest" job to achieve their goal and leave no one behind.

  11. ALEXA, I personally think that there is a gray area between the two. Yes, a person should get a job based on knowledge, not his or her connections. For example, a teacher should get a job based on the fact that they know their material, rather than they are best friends with the principal. At the same time, though, most businesses have a major dependency on the employees’ connections. Connections to wealth investors, for example, may very well save the company from collapsing.

  12. The concept of "social Darwinism" has already been well accepted into our society. I simply agree with this concept. How can generations of humans and animals alike be denied the fact that the strong live and the weak die. People may continue to disagree with this theory, but those who are meant to live on, are most fit to live on. From my point of view, this is the ultimate truth. If not for the concept of social Darwinism, how is society today still moving? how is it possible that the weak are literally useless in society? The theory of being strong isn't the only attribute that applies to surviving. Intelligence, instinct, confidence, and judgment are all of which that contribute to social Darwinism. This is the most fair way in terms of consideration to "make it" in life.

  13. THamner, your statement and example is agreeable. the concept of the Spartans is technically an accurate example as to early stages in "Social Darwinism". With that being said, I agree with you and applaud your example.

  14. I agree with the principles of social darwinism. The whole theory of social darwinism is about survival of the fittest and if you do not push your self to succeed and improve, you will fall behind and osibly fail. I think it is fair because everyone has the ability to try harder at the things that they do in order to improve their life. Not everyone has the same chance in life to "make it" because your parents and your up bringing is a major part of this. If your family can not afford the things you need in order to suceed then you dont have a fair chance to "make it" compared to the average person, but if you are just lazy and dont sieze the opportunity, then it is your own fault that you fail.

    As a response to Brittany, I disagree with what you are saying here, specifically "It is based on survival of the fittest which says that only certain people are capable of success." I disagree because everyone is capable of sucess, it is just a matter of how badly you want it and how hard you are willing to work for it.

  15. I agree to the concept of social darwinism. Some people are saying how its not fair but life is not fair. survival of the fittest is the best for society because it is the fittest that is surviving. in order to make it in life you need to work hard and do the best that you can do and if you set your mind to something you should be able to achieve it making you able to survive in society

  16. I do agree with Social Darwinism and in our world it is the survival of te fittest and people have to hold up there own and try to survive but unfortunalty its is not fair all the time. But most of the time to get where you want to go , people have to work hard to get where they want to go. people who striv and want to work get where they wannt to go .

  17. I agree with Social Darwinism. I feel that it is used in so many different ways today in life that is has become the waying of living for people everywhere.The people who are considered the fittest to survive arent born the fittest they needed to work to get to the status they are so in a way the people who are considered the fittest to survive are put in that position them selves

  18. I agree with Social Darwinism. I think if a person really wants something they will do anything to try to get it. In our present day society people use many harsh ways to get what they want,which shows that people do consider the idea of "survival of the fitest" to get what they want.

  19. I agree with Social Darwinism. The sense of Social Darwinism is survival of the fittest and if you do not push your self to improve or get where you want you wont make it in life. It is used in many ways that it slowly became the way of living life. If you want to get somewhere in life, you need to work hard. If you have an actual excuse not to suceed then it is fine but if you are just not trying to make something of yourself then no one will have sympathy for you in the end.

  20. Ps. My internet didnt work at home so I had to do in school sorry!

  21. I agree with social darwinism because it shows the principle that u have to wor to be seccessul and you cant just do nothing and get somewhere in life. Also it helps build and form our society. It divides our society also by showing the people who work for a living and who are high up in society an others who just coast y and are the "weaker" ones.

  22. I do agree with Social Darwinism, due to the fact that it is followed by the concept of natural selection, and that only one is not as vulnerable as to the other one, I feel that people have the ability to either be strong or weak and fit into the motto of Natural Selection, and usually the ones who push temselves and are stronger than the rest survive.

  23. I agree with social darwinism is true. that one who comes from an already wealthy family may very well become wealthy themselves, and the one who comes from a poor family may remain poor. Still, there is always a chance to raise one’s potential. Therefore Social Darwinism is fair and the most effective way to get the best people in the business if somebody want to get somewhere in life, you need to work hard. If you have an actual excuse not to suceed then it is fine but if you are just not trying to make something of yourself you can't due anything in your life

  24. I agree with social darwinism because life is hard, it does not give you every opprtunity to succed. So you have to survive by any means nesesscary to succed Social darwinism is fair because it shows each individuals work ethic and toughness

  25. Some interesting points...How has Social Darwinism effected our society today?

  26. I think it is fair because unless you have a legitimate disability, everyone can be something depending on how hard you try. If someone isn't up to the task of working hard then they shouldn't reach success. You get no breaks or favors in the world; you have to make it by yourself.

  27. Response to Mr.B: Simple... take the military for example. you wont see maimed men fighting for us. you see soldiers that have a working body, those who are FIT to fight. Those who are disabled will be denied the concept of entering. A perfect example of Social Darwinism

  28. i think that social darwinism is fair and that everyone has a chance to make it. survival of the fittest makes you push yourself harder to achieve your goals. if you push yourself hard enough you will survive.
